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2018 Computer Society Major Awards


Franchised (voting) members of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors are not eligible to nominate, endorse, or receive any major named Society awards, other than service award certificates. The franchised (voting) members of the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors are the society president, president-elect, first and second vice presidents, the immediate past president, and the twenty-one elected members of the board.

Nominators, Endorsers and Nominees should comply with IEEE policies and CS policies and procedures on awards and in particular those reported in Section 4.4 of the IEEE policies (for general IEEE eligibility policies, limitations and requirements) and in Section 7.8 (IEEE Code of Ethics).


Contact Us
Paolo Montuschi
2018 IEEE CS Awards Committee Chair
IEEE Computer Society
2001 L St., NW Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036-4910
email: awards@computer.org