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Call for Nominations: IEEE Women in Engineering Committee

The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is seeking candidates to serve on the IEEE WIE Committee.  The following position is available:

The deadline to complete an application for this position is 15 September 2023, 11:59 PM EDT.  Self-nominations are encouraged.

Please note that at this time, the IEEE WIE N&A Committee is only querying individuals for their willingness to serve and an appointment cannot be guaranteed.

Nominate yourself or a colleague now

Learn more about WIE Nominations & Appointments and available positions.

*Note: To be eligible to be a Treasurer of the WIE Committee, the individual must be an IEEE WIE member in good standing and shall be at IEEE Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade. The Treasurer is appointed to a one-year term, may be reappointed, and is ineligible to serve more than three consecutive full terms.

E-mail WIE staff at mailto:wie-noms@ieee.org with any questions.
