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Recognizing Achievement in Communications Technology

IEEE ComSoc sponsors more than 20 awards, including monetary prizes, certificates, and plaques. We honor the successes of our members and individuals in communications technology who make substantial contributions to the advancement of the industry.

The ComSoc Awards Committee welcomes nominations for the following IEEE ComSoc Career and Service Awards. Each year, new recipients join ComSoc’s prestigious award honoree list through a selective nomination and approval process. Please take this opportunity to nominate your colleagues! Nominations due 1 September unless otherwise noted.

Career Awards

Recognizing distinguished and significant contributions to education, major industry advances, and major contributions to public welfare.

IEEE Communications Society Education Award

To recognize distinguished and significant contributions to education within the Society’s technical scope. The candidate must be a Communications Society member at the time of nomination who is an educator and who has made distinguished and substantial contributions to education within the fields of interest of ComSoc. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded

IEEE Communications Society Excellence in Supporting Standardization for Communications Award

This award is to recognize outstanding leadership and technical contributions to communications standardization. Specifically, this award is to recognize individuals (or a team) whose contributions have significantly impacted the development of standards, including the identification of major standards opportunities and post-standardization activities (such as the development of certification programs) within the Communications Society’s technical scope. This award is intended to honor those showing leadership and technical contributions to any standardization organization (not just IEEE Standards), including industry consortia. A plaque, a certificate, an honorarium of $1000, and up to $1500 for travel to receive the award are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award

This award is named in honor of Edwin H. Armstrong, most notably the inventor and father of the complete FM radio system. The candidate would have made outstanding contributions over a period of years in the field of interest of the Society. The candidate must be a Communications Society member. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $2000, are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award

To recognize an industry executive whose leadership has resulted in major and outstanding advances and new directions in the information and communications business area. The candidate is not required to be an IEEE member. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $2000 are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Industrial Innovation Award

Awarded for major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products, and so on that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of communications and information technologies and visible beyond the company or institution where the contribution was made. The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The candidate need not be an IEEE member. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications

Awarded for major contributions to public welfare through work in the field of telecommunications. No restrictions. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Robert M. Walp Industry Humanitarian Award

To recognize an industry executive or leader whose leadership has resulted in major and outstanding contributions to humanity through the application or use of information and communications technology. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


Service Awards

Recognizing members who have demonstrated exemplary service to IEEE ComSoc in the areas of meetings and conferences, publications, globalization, and overall service to the Society.


IEEE Communications Society Donald W. McLellan Meritorious Service Award

Awarded for outstanding long-term service to the welfare of the Communications Society. The candidate must be a member of the Communications Society. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Harold Sobol Award for Exemplary Service to Meetings & Conferences

Awarded for exemplary service to IEEE Communications Society meetings and conferences over a sustained period of time. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCicero Award for Exemplary Service to Publications

Exemplary service to IEEE Communications Society publications over a sustained period of time. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000 are awarded.


IEEE ComSoc/KICS Exemplary Global Service Award

Awarded for outstanding and long-term service fostering and advancing globalization within the communications arena. The recipient must be a member of ComSoc or KICS at the time of nomination and have demonstrated exemplary and distinguished service in globalization. A plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $2000 and up to $1500 for travel to receive the award.


IEEE Communications Society Carole Swaim Award for Distinguished Staff Service

For outstanding service over a period of years to the IEEE Communications Society. Recipients must be ComSoc staff members. The award will include a plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $1000.


IEEE Communications Society Gunther and Shirley Karger Chapter and Community Leadership Award

This award recognizes the volunteer contributions of a ComSoc member who embodies the spirit of the award’s namesakes, serving as a role model in our community, keeping the local chapter, and hence the Society, vibrant and resilient. This leader must not only represent IEEE Communications Society through leadership actions within their Section/Chapter, but also within the local, non-technical community making considerable efforts to educate and share the contributions of IEEE and the Communications Society to the general public. The award will include a plaque, a certificate, and an honorarium of $2000


For information on how the awards are administered, review the Awards section in the IEEE ComSoc Policies & Procedures.

See detailed IEEE Communications Society Awards descriptions and nomination instructions.

