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Call for Nominations:
2024 Wiley-IEEE Press Awards

Wiley-IEEE Press invites nominations for two book awards. The awards will recognize the authors of an outstanding textbook and an outstanding professional book published by Wiley-IEEE Press. The deadline is no later than midnight Eastern Daylight Time on 6 May 2024. If there are any questions, please get in touch with IEEE Press at ieeepress@ieee.org.


Categories, Eligibility Criteria, and Submission Guidelines

Wiley-IEEE Press Textbook Award

The Wiley-IEEE Press Textbook Award annually recognizes the authors of an outstanding textbook published by Wiley-IEEE Press during a five-year window prior to the year of the award in a field relevant to the IEEE.

To submit a nomination for a textbook, please follow these guidelines:

  • Refer to the list of eligible textbooks to be sure the book you want to nominate is eligible.
  • Please include the title of the book and the name of the person submitting the nomination. Work disclosed in the book must address fundamentals in a field relevant to the IEEE. The value of the textbook must be made apparent with the nomination by showing its impact on the field. Data on usage/downloads, number of copies sold, course adoptions, reviews, and other measures will also be used in conjunction with your input when reaching a decision.



Wiley-IEEE Press Professional Book Award

The Wiley-IEEE Press, Professional Book Award annually recognizes the authors of an outstanding monograph or professional book published by Wiley-IEEE Press during a three-year window before the year of the nomination in a field relevant to the IEEE. 

To submit a nomination for a professional book, please follow these guidelines:

  • Refer to the list of eligible professional books to be sure the book you want to nominate is eligible.
  • Please include the title of the book and the name of the person submitting the nomination. Work disclosed in the book must address key emerging and cutting-edge ideas in a field relevant to the IEEE. The value of the monograph/professional book must be made apparent with the nomination by showing its impact on the field. Data on usage/downloads, number of copies sold, reviews, and other measures will also be used in conjunction with your input when reaching a decision.